Cliente Fiel Apps

SushiJapa Chan 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.4.9
Cliente Fiel
Tudo sobre o SushiJapa Chan! E você ainda pode participar do nossoprograma de fidelidade! Baixe agora e participe!
Rede Açaí.com 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.8.0
Cliente Fiel
Network loyalty application Açaí.com
Mixirica - BH 1.25
Cliente Fiel
O Mixirica é uma rede de franquias do setor dealimentação que oferece refeições leves e balanceadas queequilibram a sua rotina e a sua saúde.The Mixirica is a networkof power industry franchises that offers light and balanced mealsthat balance your routine and your health.
Pocket Burger - Delivery 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make your order by App Pocket Burger and join the Loyalty Program!
Delicious Foods 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.6.1
Cliente Fiel
Delicious Foods Delivery Application
Massaroni - Cocina Italiana 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.4.2
Cliente Fiel
Application Massaroni loyalty. Complete your card and win prizes!
Clube das Tintas - Fidelidade 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Loyalty Application of the Paint Club stores
Guinness Pizza 1.05
Cliente Fiel
Faça pedidos diretamente do app da Guinnesseparticipe de promoções exclusivas!Make requestsdirectlyfrom the Guinness app and participate inexclusivepromotions!
Cliente Fiel
Loyalty application of Jah stores
Hakuna Batata 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Network loyalty application Hakuna Potato
Parada do Açaí - Delivery 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.6.1
Cliente Fiel
Make requests directly from the acai Stop the app and get exclusivediscounts!
Origami Japa Food 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for Origami app Japa Food and participate inexclusive promotions!
Ponto do Spaghetti 3.0
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the app and participate in exclusive promotions!
Vasconcelos Hamburgueria 1.01
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the app and participate in exclusive promotions!
Service Sol 2.3
Cliente Fiel
Service Sol é uma plataforma completaparafacilitar a gestão dos seus serviços.Com o aplicativo Service Sol os usuários podem a partir depoucoscliques abrir chamados para a equipe técnica responsável ereceberfeedbacks de como está sendo realizado o serviço emtemporeal.Service Sol is acompleteplatform to facilitate the management of theirservices.With Service Sol app users can from a few clicks open calledforresponsible technical team and get feedback of how it isbeingcarried out in real time service.
China Norte - Delivery Versão Beta 3.0 PG
Cliente Fiel
Make your order by App North China and join the Loyalty Program!
Du Pará Açaí - Delivery 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.6.1
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by Du Pará Açaí app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Savage Pizzaria 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Faça pedidos pelo aplicativo! Participe de promoções exclusivas
Café com os Anjos 9.0 RELEASE v1
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the application! Participate in exclusivepromotions
Praia do Açaí 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.3.08
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for application! Participate in exclusive promotions
Raga Lanches 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for application! Participate in exclusive promotions
Picanha Delivery Cuiabá 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for Picanha Delivery app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Tai Ching 1.23
Cliente Fiel
Faça pedidos pelo app do Tai Ching eparticipede promoções exclusivas!Make requests by theTaiChing app and participate in exclusive promotions!
Toyo Cozinha Oriental 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by Toyo Oriental Cuisine app and participate inexclusive promotions!
Oriental Delivery 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.8.3
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the Eastern Delivery app and participate inexclusive promotions
Salah Esfiharia e Pizzaria 8.0 RELEASE STARTER API 26
Cliente Fiel
No aplicativo do Salah Esfiharia e Pizzaria você podeacompanharnossas promoções, ver nosso cardápio, pontuar em nossoprograma defidelidade e ainda realizar pedidos. Acumule pontos noprograma defidelidade e troque por prêmios!!!
Açaí do Kim 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.8.3
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by Kim Acai app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Django Hamburgueria 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.8.3
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by Django app Hamburgueria and participate inexclusive promotions
Açaí Zero Grau 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.3.08
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the Acai Zero Degree app and participate inexclusive promotions!
Quero Açaí Delivery 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.8.3
Cliente Fiel
Do you ordered Acai Delivery app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Pit Stop Lanches 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
No aplicativo do Pit Stop Lanches você pode acompanharnossaspromoções, ver nosso cardápio, pontuar em nosso programadefidelidade e ainda realizar pedidos. Acumule pontos no programadefidelidade e troque por prêmios!!!
Garagem do Frango 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.6.1
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for Garage app Chicken and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Karnak Esfiharia e Pizzaria 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for Karnak Esfiharia app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Big Burg Gourmet 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.8.3
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the Big Burg Gourmet app and participate inexclusive promotions!
Peixaria do Henrique Versão Beta 3.0 PG
Cliente Fiel
Place orders through the Peixaria do Henrique app and participatein exclusive promotions!
Açaí Bahia Versão Beta 3.0 PG
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for acai Bahia app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Cartoons Lanches Delivery 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Faça pedidos diretamente do app do Cartoons Lanches Deliveryeparticipe de promoções exclusivas!
O Comilão 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.6.1
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the Gourmand The app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
C7 Sushi 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for C7 app Sushi and participate in exclusivepromotions
Natal Burger 6.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by Burger Christmas app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Jeff's Burger Delivery 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Faça pedidos pelo app e participe de promoções exclusivas!
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for Succulents app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Grão Verde - Padaria e Café 7.0 RELEASE
Cliente Fiel
Faça pedidos pelo app Grão Verde - Padaria e Café e participedepromoções exclusivas!
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by SushiPow the app and participate in exclusivepromotions
Mateus Sushiman 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.4.3
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by Matthew Sushiman app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Cedro's Lanches 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.6.1
Cliente Fiel
Order through the Cedro's Snacks app and take part in exclusivepromotions!
Paladar Mix 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.4.3
Cliente Fiel
Make requests for Taste Mix app and participate in exclusivepromotions!
Top Açaí e Burguer 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL RELEASE v7.3.08
Cliente Fiel
Place orders for the Top Acai & Burger app and participate inexclusive deals!
Handmade Delivery da Nana 2.0 CLIENTE_FIEL BETA v6
Cliente Fiel
Make requests by the app and participate in exclusive promotions!
Pizzaria Express Delivery 9.0 RELEASE v1
Cliente Fiel
Make requests directly from the Pizzeria Express app andparticipate in promotions!